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An Experimental Approach of the Anticancer Activity of Luchasu (TP91) Against Mice Transplantable Tumor
Wu Yongfang, Han Zhihong, Xu Guohua, , , ,
1999, 26(3): 161-163.
Abstract PDF
The Synergistic Effect of Tumor Necrosis Factor andButhionone Sulfoximine on Ovarian Cancer
Li Ya, Li JinSha, Jin yan
1999, 26(3): 164-165.
Abstract PDF
Detection of Serum β glucuronidase in Patients with Liver Diseases and Its Clinical Significance
Yang Bo, Zhang Hong, Zhu Shande, , , ,
1999, 26(3): 166-167.
Abstract PDF
The Determination of FumonisinB1 in Corn from High Ri
Wang Haitao, Wei Huijuan, Ma Jilin,
1999, 26(3): 168-170.
Abstract PDF
Study of Serum Total Sialie Acid in Early Iagnosis for Esophageal Cancer
Li Yan, Duan Jianping, Sun Yumin, ,
1999, 26(3): 171-173.
Abstract PDF
Mutation Frequency of the P16 Gene in Primary Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinomas
Wang Kewen, Xie Ruquan, Deng Changsheng
1999, 26(3): 174-176.
Abstract PDF
P16 and PCNA Expression and Their Significance in Human Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Chai Ruijun, Liu Kun, Wang Wujun,
1999, 26(3): 177-180.
Abstract PDF
The Effect of SRRS Prenventing P 53 Gene from Mutation
Zhao Aiguang, Yang Jinkun, Xiao Zhuoxiang,
1999, 26(3): 181-183.
Abstract PDF
The Relationship of PCNA and MVQ in the Tissues of Gastric Cacinoma and Its Significance
Zhang Youyuan, Zhou shaobi, Liu xutang, , ,
1999, 26(3): 184-185.
Abstract PDF
Hepatitis G Virus Infections in Patients with Hepatocellular Cancer
Huang Dingrui, Zhu Bo, Lao Ming,
1999, 26(3): 186-187.
Abstract PDF
Effect of Tobacco Smoke on Basic Fibroblast Growth Expression of AFB1 Induced Precancer Cells in Mouse Liver
Zhao Wenxing, Yang Yinghong, Yang Faduan,
1999, 26(3): 188-189.
Abstract PDF
The Proliferative Activity Detection in Adrenocortical Neoplasms and Their Clinical Significance
Yan Xiaochu, Liu Fengxuan, He Guangyou
1999, 26(3): 190-192.
Abstract PDF
Prognostic Impact of Pre-operative SeriumCEA in Breast Cancer Patients
Ou yang Tao, Wang Tianfeng, Zhang Jingtai
1999, 26(3): 193-194.
Abstract PDF
The Effects of β elemene on the Adhesion and Motility and the Gap junctinal Intercellular Communication of Mice Melanoma B16 Cells in Vitro
Chen Longbang, Zang Jing, Wang Jinghua, ,
1999, 26(3): 195-197.
Abstract PDF
Imagelogical Diagnosis of Primary Tracheocarcinoma
Guan Changqun, Guo Ping, Ma Changfu,
1999, 26(3): 198-199.
Abstract PDF
Analyse the Correlation of Long Term Survival of Postoperative Patients ofⅢ Stage Esophageal Carcinoma and Drinking Raw Milk of Goat
Cao Fusheng, Zhou Wenhua, Wang Lixin, ,
1999, 26(3): 200-202.
Abstract PDF
The Result Based on the Drug Sensitive Test of Tumor Cell Directed to Treat the 40 Acute Leukemia
Wang Wenjing, Cao Huiping, Jing Fengxiang
1999, 26(3): 203-204.
Abstract PDF
Efficacy of refractory non small cell lung cancer Patients treated with taxel and cisplatin
Sun Junzhong, Yin Mingjun, Hu Yulan
1999, 26(3): 205-206.
Abstract PDF
A Study on Taxol in Advanced Malignant Tumors
Xu Jianhua, Zhou Juntian
1999, 26(3): 207-209.
Abstract PDF
Radiotherapy Combined with High-dose Leucovorin and 5-Fu for Advanced and Recurrent Rectal Carcinoma
Wang Qingwei, Liu Hong, Chang Ping,
1999, 26(3): 210-211.
Abstract PDF
Response Rate of Ifosfamide Plus Cisplatin and Etopside for Previously Treated Recurrent Small Cell Lung Cancer
Bai Changqin, Qi Haowen, Mi Jiangxing, ,
1999, 26(3): 212-214.
Abstract PDF
Clinical Observations of Gastric Cancer Patients Treated with Chemotherapy and Elemene as a MDR Mediator
Tian Ren, Yand Jinsong, Zhang Baoguo,
1999, 26(3): 215-216.
Abstract PDF
Estimating the Short-term Effect of CF. 5-Fu and DDP in Treating Advanced Nasopharygeal Carcinona
Wu Hui, Huang Xuezhen, Xie Xianhe
1999, 26(3): 217-218.
Abstract PDF
Observation on Therapeutic Effectin the Treatment of rectal cancer with Selective Arterial Drug perfusion
Zheng Qu bin, Yang Weizhu, Jiang Na, ,
1999, 26(3): 219-221.
Abstract PDF
The relation between intracavitary irradiation and the tumor infiltration of esophageal carcinoma
Zhu Shuchai, Zhai Fushan, Wan Jun
1999, 26(3): 222-223.
Abstract PDF
Carboplatin as Radiosensitizer to Treat Cervical Cancer in 68 Cases
Lou Hanmei, Lou Hongkun
1999, 26(3): 224-225.
Abstract PDF
The pattern of cervical lymph node metastases in differentiated thyroid carcinoma
Xu Benyi, Li Fengwan
1999, 26(3): 226-228.
Abstract PDF
Primary Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Simplex:Analysis of 32 Cases
Zhang Xingguo, Yang Reishen, Li Daotang, , ,
1999, 26(3): 229-231.
Abstract PDF
Study on the NAT Polymorphism smong Gastrointestinal Carcinoma Patients in Fujian
Chen Hua, Zhang Xiangfu, Xu Dongpo, , ,
1999, 26(3): 232-233.
Abstract PDF