

Results of Combining Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy for Stage ⅢB Cervical Cancer

  • 摘要: 目的 评价化疗加放疗综合治疗ⅢB期宫颈癌的疗效。方法 VPB方案化疗后继以常规放疗治疗93例ⅢB期宫颈癌,对照组的同期单纯常规放疗80例ⅢB期宫颈癌。全部病例随访5年以上。结果 5年生存率:化疗加放疗组59%,单纯放疗组60%,统计学上两组无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论 本结果表示化疗加放疗不能提高ⅢB期宫颈癌生存率,仍需继续研究。


    Abstract: Objective To evaluate the results of combining chemotherapy and radiotherapy for stage ⅢB cervical cancer.Method 93patients with stag ⅢB cervical cancer were treated with VPB regimen chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy al the study grouq.Concurrently,80 cases stage ⅢB cervical cancer were treated with standard radiotherapy alone as the control group.All cases had 5-year follow-up data. Rusults 5-year survival rates were 59% in the study group,60% in the control group.There was no noticeable statistical difference between two groups(P>0.05). Conclusion Combing chemotherapy and radiotherapy for stage ⅢB cervical cancer could not improve survival rates.The management for stage ⅢB cervical cancer will require further study.


