

Total Mesometrial Resection: A New Technique to Treat Early Stage Cervical Cancer

  • 摘要: 传统观念中恶性肿瘤的生长是浸润性生长,是无组织学障碍的,但目前关于恶性肿瘤的生长方式有学者从胚胎学发展角度出发,提出了新的观点,认为恶性肿瘤的生长从胚胎学发展上来说是源于普通原基的“隔间”内限制性生长,由此肿瘤的手术治疗观念也发生了变化,有学者对宫颈癌的手术方式提出了新的理念:子宫全系膜切除术,术后不需要再行补充放射治疗。这种术式在早期宫颈癌的手术治疗中无疑是极富创新性的。


    Abstract: According to traditional principles of cancer surgery, tumor growth is undirected perifocal,irrespective of tissue barriers. However, some researches proposed a fresh insight at the anatomy based on embryology. Based on this concept, the current standard practice of local cancer surgery has been developed: total mesometrial resection(TMMR) without adjuvant radiation. This novel concept of embryologically based en bloc resection of a malignant solid tumor along the borders of the morphogenetic unit of its origin will definitely be highly innovative in the surgical treatment of early stage cervical cancer.


