Red Ceil Superoxide Dismutase,Serum Lipid Peroxides and Vltamin E Levels in Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Graphical Abstract
Cu. Zn-SOD),serum lipid peroxides (LPO) and vitamin E (VE) in 32 cases of non-I-Iodgkin's lymphoma (NHI.). The results indicated that RBC?Cu?Zn-SOD and VE levels were markedly decreased (P<0. OS and P<0. O1 respectively),whereas LPO concentration was notably increased CP<0. 0l). Trend observations have been made on 13 cases. Except 2 cases with the complication of leukemia showing no effect,the remaining 11 cases had remission after treatment and their lev-els of RBC-CuZn-SOD, LPO and VE went up to basically normal. These changes suggested that there were enhancement of lipid peroxidation reaction, injury of histocyte and disturbance of equi-librium between production and elimination of oxygen free radical in patients with Nf几?It re-vealed that organic damage induced by oxygen free radical is partially recevered from treatment.