Changes of micronuclei frequence of peripheral blood lymphocytes on MNNG-induced experimental gastric carcinoma and precancerous lesion by garlic and garlic-green tea mixture
Graphical Abstract
The effect of garlic and garlic-green tea mixture for micronculei frequence (MNF) of peripheral blood lymphcytes(PBL)on gastric carcinoma(GC) and pre cancerous lesion(PL) in Wistar rats induced by N-methyl-N-nitro一N'一nitrosoguani-dine (MNNG) is studied.The results show,that MNF of MNNG group (MG) by the 10th month and 16th month is similar,of MG,GC and PL is Niger remarkably than control group(CG) (P<0.001),respectively,of PL is lower than GC (P<0.001),of prevention group (PG),treatment groupI(TGI) and II(TGII) decrease,the differance with MG is significant (P<0.01),PG by the 16th month is lower than 10th month