Basaloid Carcinoma of The Lung
Graphical Abstract
Basal cell carcinoma is skin, anal, canal, tongue and larynx, but it is rare inthe Lung. Basaloid carcinoma of the lung easily confused with other type of carcinoma. We have found 8 cases of basaloid carcinoma from 1978-1993, which werepreviously classified as poorly or un-differentiated or carcinoidcarcinoma.The morphological characteristics of this disease are similar to the hasal cellcarcinoma of the skin. But its cells are more anaplasia. The tumor cells are cubic orspindle, and with few or without cytoplasms. Their nuclei chromatins are dark andthe nuclear mitosis is easily seen. In the centre of the carcinoma nest can "sully beseen. Because it can not secrete mucin and without ag. graneles, this disease can bediffentiaed from poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma and arcinoidcarc noma. Theimmunohito chemical results showed that Keretin was strong positive and CEA wasweak positive in only part of tumor cells.Basaloidcarcinoma of The lung is a highls malignant tumor and has a woreprognosis. According to the foreings reports, its 5-years survival rate was 15%.Its morphological chracteristic is similal to the hasal cell carcinoma in the skin, butbiological behavior is highly malignant.