The Treatment of Carcinoma inffiltrated to whole Thyroid and Metastasing to both sides of the neck
Graphical Abstract
526 cases of carcinoma in the thyroid had been treated in our hospital from Jan.1980 to Jan.1990.Among them, 37 cases(7.03%)infiltrated to whole thyroid and 42 cases metastasing to both sides of the neck.(undifferentiated carcinoma were not included in.).In pathology, papillary carcinoma accouted for 38.1%(16/42), medullary carcinoma 23.8%(10/42),follicular carcinoma 14.3%(6/42), and mixed type 23.8%(10/42).37 cases infiltrated to whole thyroid and 42 cases metastased to both sides of the neck.In therapy, 37 cases were treated by whole thyroid excision, 15 cases by single gland lobe plus gorge of the thyroid excision, 42 cases by bilateral neck lymph node dissection.The masses of 3 cases whose tumor had infiltrated to large blood vessels could not be excised completely.21 cases were operated by tracheotomy and plus radiotherapy after operation.In 14 cases(27%), the function of the thyroid was lower than usual.7 cases had parathyroid gland injured.10 cases(19.2%) died of the complication after operation.