Surgical treatment of multiple Brain matastatic
Graphical Abstract
To study the operation indication and principle of treufment in multipleBrain matestatic, to explore the recationship between surgery and survival time, viabilityof Brain matastatic.Mothods: 41 patients were treated by surgery + radiotherapy +chemotherapy.58 focus of Brain matastatic were excised. Results : Complete comvalescence was in 6 patients (14.6%), panical remissin was in 19 patients (46.4%), nochangewas in 6 patients (14.6%),advance was in 5 patients (12.2%) and 5patients (12.2%) diedbecause of surgery of complication. Conclusion : It suggested that complex treatmentmainly by means of decompression can improve viability and prolong survival time.Thatmultiple Brain matastatic coexist a Brain olbe, 1 or 2 focus induce main climical symptoms and focus of posterior cramal fossa compress Brain stem can lead to an excellent result bysurgical intervention.