76 Cases of Postoperation Breast Cancer Radiation
Graphical Abstract
From 1.1985 to 1.1990, We have treated 76 Cases of breast Cancer by radiation.Among them there are 54 cases of stoge Ⅱ, 18cases of stage Ⅲ, 4cases of stage Ⅳ. Wehave radiated the chest wall, inside breast,Supraclavicular Subaxillarg area of the patients by 6o Co bait. 6mv-x-rag and 10 to 12 mev electron beam. The radiation dosewas 45 to 50Gy/4.5 to 5weeks. The survival rate of 5-gear of stage Ⅱ was 80.6%,stage Ⅲ 33.3%,stage Ⅳ 25%. We Consider that for the stage Ⅱand above the radiationcan reduce the recurrence rate and raise the survival rate.