A control study on the expression of P53 and EGFR in colorectal carcinoma with and without endocrine differentiation
Graphical Abstract
To evaluate the relationships and their significance between endocrine differentiation and P53Protein or epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR)expression in colorectalcarcinoma. Methods: Expression of chromogranin A (CGA), P53and EGFR weredetectedin 79surgical specimen using immunohistochemistry ABC technique Results: The incidences ofCGA, P53and EGFR expression in the cancerous tissues were 35.4 % (28/79), 60.8 % (48/79 )and 30.4 % (24/79), respectively, The expressive rate and the number of P53 immunostainingtumor cells in the tumor lesions with endocrine differentiation were 78.6 % (22/28) and 984.3±702/mm2 and in the samples without endocrine differentiation 51.0% and 589.5±489.5/mm2. The differences of P53expression between the two groups were significant (P0.025;PO.05). The rate of EGFR expression in the tumor with and without endocrine differentiation were 46.4% (13/28) and 21.6 % (11/51 ),respectively. Their difference was also statistically significant (P0.025 ). Conclusion: The expression of P53 and EGFR are statisticallyhigher in the colorectal cancer with endocrine differentiation than that in the cases withoutendocrine differentiation. It indicates that the explession of P53 and EGFR may be correlatedwith the endocrine differentiation of colorectal carcinoma.