Expermental Model of Bladder Tumors in Rats In duced by MNU
Graphical Abstract
Objectivc To study the experimental animal model of b la dder tumors induced by MNU. Methods Bladder tumors were in duced in female Wistar rats by intravesicular adminstration of the carcinogen,N-methy l -N-nitrosourea(MNU).The morphological alterations bladder epithelial cells we r e stuied by light micoscopy scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Results The administration way of a total dose of 8 mg on 4 fraction o f 2 mg at 2- weekly intrvals produed a100%incidence of bladder toumor after 8 we eks.Histopathological characteristics of bladder tumor induced by MNU were b asic ally similar to those of human bladder tumor. Conclusion Intra ve sicular administration of MNU in rats provided a useful model for experiment al studies of bladder tumor.