Establishment of Orthotopic Implant/Metastatic Model of Human Stomach Cancer using Intact Tumor Tissue in Nude Mice
Graphical Abstract
Objective To develop nudemouse ortho topic implant/metastat icmodel of human gastric cancer using intact tumor tissue. Methods Tumor cell line of human gastric adenocarcinom a was inoculated subcu taneously into nude mice to develop implan ttumor. Intact tumor tissue was then collected and implanted ortho topically into the nude mouse stomach. The local tumor growth characteristics, tumor-take rates and metastasis rates were examined. Results A 100% tumor-take rate was obtained in the model. The metastases of local and distant lymph nodes were observed in 100% and 90% of the nudemice respect ivcely. The liver metastases were found in 75% of the nimals. The median survival time of the tumor-bearing nude mice was 14 weeks. Emacication and exhaustion of the nude mice were presented in late stage of the experiment. ConclusionThe growth and metastasis characteristics of human stomach cancer were exhibited in the ortho topic implant/metastat ic model. This tumor model might be a useful tool in the researches on metastatic mechanisms and antimetastasis treatment of human stomach cancer.