The Surgical Treatment for the Fistula of Thoracic Anastomes is in Early Stage Postoperation of Esophageal and Cardiac cancer5 Caces report
Graphical Abstract
Objective The surgical treatment method that deals with the fistula of thoracic anastomo sis in early stage ( less than 72 hou rs)po st operat ion of esophageal and cardiac cancer w as summ arized and discu ssed. Methods 5 cases of in t ratho racic f istu lasw ere perfo rm ed the second tho ractom y to t reat the leakage of the gast ric t ract. Results In th is group of pat ien t s, 4 cases recovered and 1 case died becau se the comp li2 cat ion of resp irato ry failu re. Conclus ionW e concluded that the p romp t su rgical t reatm en t is needed fo r the f istu la of tho racic in early po stoperat ion of esophageal and cardiac cancer.