Correlation between the Expression of Vascular Endothel ial Growth Factor and Its Receptor KD R and Angiogenesis in Human Pituitary Adenomas
Graphical Abstract
Objective To investigate the correlation between the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (V E GF) and it s receptor KD R and angiogenesis in human pituitary adenomas. Methods V E GF and KD R were detected in 58 cases pituitary adenomas by immunohistochemical S-P technique. Microvessel density was determined by immunostaining for factor CD34 related antigen. Results VEGF was expressed in 54 cases (93. 1 %), mainly located at cytoplasm or the membrance of pituitary adenomas cells ;KD R was expressed in 47 cases (81. 0 %), it was located in the vascular endothelial cell of pituitary adenomas tissues and in the cytoplasm or the membrane of the pituitary adenomas cell. Both VEGF expression and KD R were well correlated with the invasiveness. The microvascular density (MVD) was significantly greater in VEGF and KD R higher expression groups than in lower group s ( P < 0. 01) . Conclusion V E GF promotes angiogenesis synergism KDR by paracrining or autocining in pituitary adenomas, and take part in tumor invasiveness.