Establishment of Resting B Cell Model Infected with Latent EB Virus in Peripheral Blood
Graphical Abstract
Objective To establish the ideal model of resting B cell containing Epstein-Barr virus in vitro by EBV latent infected CD5+ B cells of peripheral blood. Methods CD5+B cells were obtained by mouse IgG magnetic beads. We took advantage of neomycin resistance to reorganize EBV genes (NeoR EBV) on the CD5+B cells to transfect G418 as the selection antibiotics, and labeled by BrdU. The immune phenotypes, gene phenotypes and proliferation of CD5+B/EBV cells were detected by Western blot, double immunofl uorescence and fl ow cytometry, respectively. Results In CD5+B/EBV cells, expression of EBNA2 and LMP1 were signifi cantly increased. Also, the expression levels of immune phenotype of CD20, CD80, CD38 and CD86 were signifi cantly increased, however, CD23 was not changed much in CD5+B/EBV. BrdUnegative cells were visible in EBNA2-positive cells. After cell factor activated, Ki67-positive cells were visible in Brdu-negative cells. However, Ki67-negative cells were visible in EBNA2-positive cells, resting B cells were exist in CD5+B/EBV cells. Conclusion CD5+B/EBV cell established in this study were characterized with resting B cells latently infected by EBV.