The Analysis of Local Relapse Factors After Excision of Rectal Cancer Retainning Anal
摘要: 本文通过对我院直肠癌保肛术后局部复发40例的分析,指出直肠癌保肛术后复发多为吻合口,其次为淋巴结和肠旁组织?局部复发与癌肿本身的生物学特征,病理类型,病期和肿瘤占肠腔周径大小有密切关系,与手术清除范围明显相关?Abstract: Forty cases of local relapse after of rectal cancer retainning anal were analyzed.The results showed that most relapse tumors were in the site of anastomosis and others were in the lymphaden and tissue close to rectum.Tumor relapse was related to the biological characteristics of cancer,pathological patterns, stages of disease and the rectal perimeter occupied by tumor. The rational resection, that is resect enough rectum tube below tumor and lymphaden radical operation could decrease local recurrence and enhance the survival rate.