Experience with 100 Pancreatoduodenectomies
摘要: 本文报告我院1975年至1994年施行的100例胰十二指肠切除术治疗经验?其中包括胆总管远端肿瘤5例,十二指肠肿瘤7例?乏特氏壶腹肿瘤36例?胰头肿瘤39例,其它癌侵及胰头2例?异位胰腺6例?慢性炎症4例?壶腹结石1例?Abstract: Between 1975 and 1994,100 pancreatoduodenectomies were operated in our hospital. These included 39 tumors located in the head of the pancreas, 5 in the distal common bile duct,7 in the duodenum and 36 at the ampulla.Mortality was 13% after a standard PDE. Five-year survival rates were 12. 5% and 9.5% for ampullary and pancreatic cancer, respectively.