

Pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumor combined carcinoma A report of six cases

  • 摘要: 本组炎性假瘤合并肺癌6例,占同期炎性假瘤的7.6%(6/79)?近年发病率有上升趋势,应引起重视?其可分为三种形式:(1)假瘤癌变;(2)两瘤并存;(3)癌件假瘤?其临床特点为以发热为首发症状,继之持续性咳嗽伴痰中带血,而胸片见瘤体较大而无淋巴结转移征象?合并肺癌的炎性假瘤主要为假乳头瘤型和组织细胞型?肺癌多为鳞癌,亦可有腺癌及未分化癌?手术标本表现假瘤瘤体极大,而癌灶极小可造成误诊或漏诊?详尽的术前检查如痰细胞学检查,支气管镜检查及经皮肺针吸活检对确立最后正确诊断帮助较大?因假瘤部分巨大,合并肺癌分期相对较早,其预后较单纯肺癌为好?


    Abstract: This article reported 6 cases of pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumor combined carcinoma which were 7.6% of total patients with pseudotumor in the same period.The incidence was rising in recent years, so this disease should be put tention to.The pseudotumors usually were pseudopapilloma and histocytoma. The coexisted cancer often were squamous cell carcinoma, sometimes adenocarcinoma and undifferentiated carcinoma.In the operative sample there was much great pseudotumor and too small carcinoma focus to make an erroneous diagnosis or to neglect.Careful and exact preoperative examinations such as sputum cytology,bronchoscopy and transcutaneous lung biopsy is great helpful to the final correct diagnosis. Though the mass was great, the stage of coexisted carcinoma was earlier respectively so that the prognosis was better than that of lung cancer without pseudotumor.


