Clinicopathologic, Mucin Histochemical and CEA Immunohistochemical Study in Adenocarcinoma of the Bladder
摘要: 本文讨论了18例膀胱腺癌的临床及病理特点,其中原发性膀胱腺癌16伊1,转移性癌2例?男性患者14例,女性4例?发病年龄45~71岁,平均54岁?临床症状除排粘液尿而提示粘液腺癌外,其余症状无特异性?16伊1原发性膀胱腺癌中6例行单纯肿块切除术,另10创作膀胱部分切除术?膀胱腺癌总的5年生存率为33%?组织形态31.单纯型14例(管状腺癌8例,乳头状腺癌4例,粘液腺癌2例);2.混合型4例(均为腺癌和移行细胞癌混合)?随访结果发现混合型预后较好,而单纯型预后较差?粘液组织化学染色证明,膀胱腺癌多含唾液酸粘液,而少含中性粘液?研究结果还提示CEA免疫组化染色对估计膀胱腺癌的预后具有一定意义?Abstract: Clinical and pathologic feature in 18 adenocarcinomas of the bladder were discussed. Sixteen cases wer.primary adenocarcinoma and the other 2 that of the metastasis. There were 14 males and 4 females. Their age ranged from 4o to 71with an average of 54 years. The clinical symptoms were non-particularity, except of discharge mucin urine to suggested mucinous carcinoma. Noeplasm alone resection was carried out for 6 of 16 primary adenocarcinomas, and partial cystectomy was carried out for the other 10.Total of 5-year survial rate of adenocarcinoma of the bladder was 33%.Histomorphology of adenocarcinoma of the bladder could be classified into two types:1.pure type,14 cases (tubular adenocarcinoma,8 cases;papillary adenocarcinoma, 4 cases;and mucinouscarcinoma,2 cases);2.Mixed type,4 cases (adenocarcinoma mixed with transitional cell carcinoma).Follow-up data showed that the patients prognosis of mixed type tumor were better than the pure type. Mucin histochemical staining confirmed that sialomucins predominatde over neutral mucins for adenocarcinoma of the bladder. Our study suggested also that CEA immunohistochemical staining was significant to estimate prognosis for adenocarcinoma of the bladder.