The results of multlparanigter. studies of two cases of malgnant lymphoma with a high content of epithelioid histiPcytes (so-called Lennert's, lymphoma) are presented, The patients were loth male and middle-aged;They had gener;zed lymphadenopathy but no other clinical symptoms, Microscopically, both cases showed diffuse prolifer- ation of atypical lymphoid cells and small clusters of epithelioid histiocytes sacttered throughout theneoplastic cells,AcP,ANAE staining patterns were globular for lymphoid cells and diffuse for histiocytes, In:munoperoaidase methods for intracy- toplasmic immunoglobulins, were negative, Then tumor cells in suspensions formed spo- ntaneous rosettes with sheep erythrocytes, The, findings further support a T cell origin for Lennert's lymphoma as previously .reported in literature,