Since 1975,the author hadtreated 6 cases malignant tumor of pancreas and duodenum, among them,three are male,who had pancreatoduodenectomy,one was cancerof pancreatic head,and the other two were leiomyosarcoma of duodeum,The auther considered while we used the routine meathod to examined the anteri or portalvein, hepatic artery and infel rior vein cave during the operation we must paid more attention to the latera wall of inferior portal simul taneously.Before radical operation, abdominal viscera should not be resectea arbitrar ily to aviod the consequences.Cholecyst ectomy and common bile auct jejuno end to side anastomsis should be chosen for treatment of the auct iejuno end to side anastomsis should be chosen for treatm eat of the bile duct so that cholecysti tis indued by operation and obstructive caused by cholecysto jejunomybe prevented. The axial suction surface of pancreas should be made like the Pisa s mouth fortsanch bleeding and decreased the incidence of haematoma. In order to prevented post opprative infection and to avoided anatomotic fistula,a.pencreatic tude was ligated by thin catgut·suture and support tube mig ht itot be used .The radical pancreato duodenectomy was indicated for duodeno sarcoma.The local excision should not be chosen.Much more separation of tumor of among invasion viscu's in inner wall of pseudo capsul was not indicat ed,The pancreato duodenectomy was the only radical treatment method for duodenosarcoma