Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment Extrahepatic of Cholangiocarcinoma
摘要: 目的:分析近年来肝外胆管癌病因及临床特点,并进行诊断及外科治疗的探讨。方法:收集92年及97年间42例临床资料。结果:全部经手术探查。胆道良性疾患手术的术中漏诊率19%,术前确诊率83.3%,总切除率548%。结论:应联合应用多种检查以获得早期诊断,对确诊者力争根治性切除,无法切除者根据具体情况采用合适的手术方法。Abstract: Objective Etiology and dinicalfeatures were analyed on cholangiocarcinoma;as well as is diagnosis and surgical treatment were discussed.Method 42 cases from 1992 to 1997 were collected.Result operative exploration was performed to all the cases. The rate of missed diagnosis within operation for the biliary benign disease was 19%, with the rate of confirmed diagnosis before operation 83.3%,and the total resectional rate 54.8%. Conclusion It is confirmed that multiple examination should be combined in order to get to the early diagnosis. Radical operation should be performed for the patient with confirmed diagnosis; As for the patient whose tumor was unresectional, proper operation should be done according to the specific situation.