

Histological Transformation of Non- Hodgkin' s Lymphoma and Its Clinical Significance

  • 摘要: 1987~1994年间具有二次活检的非何杰金淋巴瘤患者23例,其中6例发生组织形态的转变。二次活栓间隔时间12~54个月,平均33个月。临床上主要由局部淋巴结肿大或局部器官病变发展成全身淋巴结肿大并伴发热、皮疹或器官受累。临床分期由Ⅰ期发展为Ⅱ~Ⅳ期。组织形态的转变:3例滤泡型变为弥漫型;3例小裂细胞性变为裂一无裂细胞性;1例裂一无裂细胞性变为大无裂细胞性;1例B小淋巴细胞性变为免疫母细胞性。这说明淋巴瘤在疾病的发展过程中可发生组织形态的转变,由低度恶性向高度恶性发展。


    Abstract: There were 23 cases of NHL which had been done the two biopsies in had happened the histological transformation. The interval time between the two biopsies was 12- 54 months.The clinical charater was the local lymph node enlargment was then developed into the lymph node enlargment all over the body. Clinical stage I up II-IV. In histological transformation 3 cases of the follicular type lymphoma hacl been transformed into the diffuse type lymphoma.3 cases of the small cleaved cell type into the deaved-noncleaved cell type. 1 case of the deaved-noncleaved cell type into the large nondeaved cell type. 1 case of the B small lymphocytic lymphoma into the immunoblastic lyrrr phoma The results indicated that NHL could happen the histological transformation in the development of the disease from the lower grade milignant lymphoma into high grade milignant lymphoma.


