Immunohistochemical Acidic Isoferritin in Human Breast Carcinoma
摘要: 目的:为了探讨酸性同功铁蛋白在乳腺癌组织中的表达水平及其与P53表达的关系,明确酸性同功铁蛋白作为乳腺癌诊断指标的意义。方法:采用抗人胎盘酸性同功铁蛋白单克隆抗体和免疫组化方法(LSAB法)对38例乳腺癌和30例乳腺腺病组织进行了检测。结果:73.7%(28/38例)的乳腺癌和67%(2/30例)的乳腺腺病患者AIF呈阳性表达,阳性细胞胞浆着色明显,阳性细胞主要是癌细胞和增生的导管上皮细胞;44.7%(17/38例)的乳腺癌和33%(1/30例)的乳腺腺病组织P53呈阳性表达,阳性着色位于核内,阳性细胞为癌细胞和非典型增生的导管上皮细胞;P53表达与AIF表达符合率为60.5%,二者有一定的相关性(0.05Abstract: To study expression of acidic isoferritin (AIF)and it's relation with P53 in human breast carcinoma. In present papers, 38 cases of breast carcinoma and 30 cases of breast adenosis were examimated by immunohistochemical method CLSAB technique).The results were that 73.7percent (28/38cases)of breast carcinoma and 6.7 percent(2/28cases)of breast aclenosis showed positive stain of AIF, 44.7percent(17/38 cases) of breast carcinoma and 3.3 percent(1/30cases) of breast aclenosis showed positive stain of P53, the same positive and negative accordance of AIF and P53 was 60.5 percent(23/38cases) in breast carcinom a. Conclusion:AIF may be a diagnostical index for breast carcinoma.