

Studies On The Karyotype Of Cancer Cellin Hunan Maligant Teratoma

  • 摘要: 将恶性畸胎瘤在淋巴结中转移病灶的活检组织进行短期体外培养;制备染色体,分析核型。瘤细胞的染色体总数为45,为近二倍体和亚二倍体,其中E组染色体增多,而G组染色体减少。染色体结构变化有裂隙,断裂、缺损和断片等,并观察到一些标记染色体。


    Abstract: Short-term Culture in vitro was performed on the biopsy material obtained from a metastatic focus of malignant teratoma in lymph node,Karyotype analysis indicated that these cancer cells are near diploid and hyperdiploid with a model chromosome number of 45. In comparison with nomal diploidy,the number of chro-mosome E group in cancer cells is increased, while that of Ggroup is reduced. The chromosomal aberration of cancer cells involved gap,break, deletion, and fragments, In additioa. several marker chromosmes were observed.


