肺癌患者血清α1酸性糖蛋白分子 异质性的研究
The Microheter Ogeneity Of α1 Acid Glycoprotein In The Lung Cancer
摘要: α1 酸性糖蛋白(AGP)是一种α球蛋白,见于过氯酸可溶性部分、为血清粘蛋白主要成份,由肝脏合成。多年来,不少学者观察到癌症患者血清中浓度升高,并与病程有关,因而被临床作为肿瘤诊断和疗效观察指标1-4。但由于AGP为一种急相期蛋白,炎症感染患者血清浓度亦往往升高5-7。Abstract: α1-Acid glycoprotein (AGP) is the major componont of orosorm ucoid. Increased scream concentration of AGP was observed in the patients with various.This paper describs the discrinination of the microheterogeneity of AGP in lung cancer and normal health.