Since 1978, HDMTX—CF has been Performed inour hospital. Tsis Paper is brief summary based on 10 cases of postoperative osteosarcoma patients with adjurant chemotherapy. The mean age of the Patients was 21 years (range. 15—34) and the male to femaleratio was 2. 33: 1. This chemotherapy consisted of HDMT X—CFR—VCRADM/CTX. Total courses was 42, The dose was MTX of 1000—5000 mg per course.73.8%in dose was than 3000 mg per course. Total MTX dose was 4000-15000 mgeach patient. MTX concentrations were measured in serum. Eight patients are alive and disease—free with a median survival of 56 menths (range, 43-99). Two patients died of pulmonary metastases was not formidable. This study showed that HDMTX—CF is an effective treatment for postoperative osteosarcoma, can improve long—term survival and side—effects are acceptable.