Between 1975 to 1935, 46 patients with stages Ⅲ and iv ovarian cancer were treated by low-dose multiple courses of Cis-DDp. Among tile patients, 21 cases were treated singly with Cis-DDp and 25 cases with Cis-DDp-based combined ckemotherapy. Sinqle Cis-DDp group Cis-DDp 20-30mg/day iv qod 5 times for each eoures. Ten to fifteen treated cottrsewere given` and 3-, 4-and 5-year survival rate of 46 cases were 45.4%, 41.9% and 35.4% respectively. The toxic and side effects were min imal, no severe nephrotoxieity or severe n ttrotoxicity were ocettred. The effect of low-dose Gis-DDp on body immunization are also diseaseed in this paper.