The article reported thirty—three cases of esophagus epidermoid carcinoma at the middle and advanced stages were treated by cisplatin (DDP), Etoposide (PV-16) and pingyangmycin (PYM). The results showed, two patieets achieved complete remission (CR), thirteen patients had partial remission(PR), Eleven patiects had minor remission (MR). was 45.4% and total response rates (CR+PR+MR) was 78.8%. Remission rate of high-dose DDP group (40.9%) was lower than that of low-dose DDP group (54.5%), while total responserates of high-dose DDP group (81.8%) was higher than that of low-dose DDP group (72.7%). The median remiss ion duration of all patienjs was seven months. main sideeffectsandtoxicity were nausea, vom ting, anorexia bone marrow depression, alopecia, chill and fever.