Ultrastructural Study of The Cells of Human Adenocarcinomas of Colon
摘要: 本文报导38例大肠腺癌病人的腺癌超微结构特证,组织经病理诊断。实验结果如下:1.人大肠腺癌的上层组织,明显分亮和暗两种细胞,主要是柱状亮细胞。2.腺癌组织中杯状细胞不明显。3.腺腔由单层的亮、暗细胞组成并呈放射状排列。4.基底膜结构模糊,电子密度增高,可观察到细胞的浸润现象。5.腺体底部由几种不同形态结构的细胞组成。其中有一种细胞的胞浆中含有两种颗粒,大的直径为150-500nm,小的约30nm。小颗粒的增殖与大颗粒,线粒体的解体和核膜的扩张等有关。Abstract: In this paper the result of ultrastructural study of the cells of colonic adenocarcinoma of 38 patients was reported. The cancer tissue were diagnosed by the Department of Pathology. The results were as follows:1. The superficial cells of glands of human adenocarcinoma of colon showed clear-ly light and dark types, and they were chiefly columnar in shape withsome micro-villi on the free surface, 2. In the adenocarcinoma tissue there were no obviousgoblet cells. 3. The tubular glands of carcinoma were lined by a layer of radiantlyarranged light and dark cells. 4. The structure of basement membrane was fuzzyand showed increased electron density. There were also phenomena of perforation andinfiltration through the basement membrance. 5. The basal portion of the glandsconsisted of cells of different forms and structures with round and oval nuclei. In somecells there were 2 kinds of granules: the bigger ones showed diameters of 150-500nm,and the smaller ones showed diameter of 30 nm. The small granules wre closely related to disintegration of big granules, mitochondria and nuclear membrance.