Using Avidn-biotiog-peroxidass complex (ABC) immunohisto-chemical methed, 51 gastric cancer specimens were examined for Estropen Receptors (ER),Peanut Agglutinin (PNA) and Phaseolus Vulgaris Agglutinin (PHA). The results showed that ER was present in 17 (33. 33 0 0 ) of gastric cancers. The ER positive tissues were cbiefly well-differentiated gastric cancers. There were no signigcanl statistical differences in the patient's sex and the ER positive rates. The expression of ER was consisten with PNA and PHA in well-diffrentiated gastric cancers, but the difference in pool-differentiated ones. It reveal that ER has leupencent upon the development for occurrence of gastric cancers and similanly relatively to expression of PNA PHA receptors. It reflects the feactures on biology and oncological immunopathology in tissue of gastric cancer.