

An Investigation Into the Epidemiology on Wuwei Migrants and Sts Cases of Stomach Carcinoma From the Atrophic Gastritis

  • 摘要: 我们于1976-1986年间对武威市164例萎缩性胃炎患者及移居新疆奇台县的武威籍居民的胃癌发病、死亡情况进行了调查。结呆表明,萎缩性胃炎癌变率为9.15%,按人年数计算的癌变率为1.09%。随访期间死于胃癌者占总死亡的40.91%,与武威市居民1982年死因构成相比较,胃癌与全癌的比例死亡比为1.96。移民胃癌的标化死亡率一代为34.09/10万,后裔为33.13/10万。一代及后裔均较祖籍武威同期的死亡率为低,但高于定居地奇台县同期的死亡率水平。


    Abstract: From the year 1976 to 1986, we made an investigation of 164 atrophic gastritis patients of Wuwei City and the incidence of The stomach carcinoma of Wuwei migrants in Qitai county, Xinjiang. We therefore come to the conclusion that the incidence of the stomach carcinoma from the atrophic gastritis is 9.15%. But the person-year incidence of the carcinoma is 1.09%. During the follow-up years, the death rate of Wuwei patients suffering from the stomach caRcilVoma is 40.91%. In 1982, the death rate of the stomach carcinoma cases in Wuwei is in the proportion of 1.96 to all The carcinomas. the standardized death rate of the first migrants is 34.09/100000 and that of their descendants is 33.13/100000. The death rate of the first migrants and their descendants is lower than that of the people in Wuwei, but higher than that of the people living in Qitai County.


