

Esophageal cancer accompanied with the repeated cancer of other organs

  • 摘要: 本文收治食管癌伴发其它脏器重复癌23例,异时性9例,并时性14例。继发癌包括贲门癌4例,胃癌6例,结肠癌2例,肺癌6例,皮肤癌2例,甲状腺癌2例,喉癌、鼻咽癌、膀胱癌各1例。食管癌放疗17例,手术4例,化疗2例,中药治疗2例。1、3、5、年生存率各为34.8%、8.7%及6.3%。预后与首发癌及继发癌发生的间隔时间、继发癌的发病部位及食管癌本身因素有关。


    Abstract: From April 1984 to April 1990, 23 cases of esophageal cancer accompanied with the repeated cancer of the other organ's. 9 cases suffered from double primary malignant tumor simultaneously, 14 cases different time. The secondary cancer included 4 cases cardiac cancer, 6 cases gastric cancer, 2 cases colonic cancer, 6 cases lung cancer, 2 case skin cancer, 2 cases thyroid cancer, laryngeal cancer, nasopharynx cancer and cystic cancer 1 casese for respective. Esophageal cancer 17 cases by radiltherapy, 4 cases by surgery, 2 cases by chemotherapy, 2 cases by Chinese medicine. 1, 3 and 5 year survival rates were 34.8%, 8.7% and 6.3% respective1y. The prognosis related interval time of the Location of secondary, interval time of the secondary primary cancer and factor of esophageal cancer itself.


