

Abdominal chemotherapy of abdominal residual carcinoma——The treatmtment of moderate or advanced ovarian carcinoma

  • 摘要: 本文报告了28例中晚期卵巢癌患者采用腹腔+静脉化疗,消除缩瘤术后腹腔残余癌,延长生存时间,收效甚好。腹腔化疗采用单点穿刺,均获一次成功。注入溶解的DDP液50-150ml,内含药物40-80mg,未出现并发症。残余癌经B超检查或二探手术证实明显缩小或消失。原发性卵巢癌较转移性卵巢癌治疗效果好。


    Abstract: It is reported that 28 patients with moderate or advanced ovarian carcinoma were treated with abdominal chemotherapy and intravenous chemotherapy. This method is better for eliminenting the residual carcinoma and prolonging survival time. Abdominal chemotherapy was first succesed by a single puncture. 50-150ml liquid containing 40-80mg DDp was injected into the abdominal cavity and no complications appeared. It was confirmed that residual carcinomas were reduced or extinguished by B-us or second-laparotomy. This therapy is better to primary ovarian carcinoma than metastatis carcinoma.


