

CE (A) F scheme of treating breast cancer in later period——with 75 gases of curative effect analysis attached

  • 摘要: 本文介绍1986—1991年间我院化疗科应用CE(A)F方案治疗晚期,局部复发和转移性乳腺癌75例的治疗效果,全组病例均为女性,平均年龄48岁,疗效评定按WHO标准,近期有效率(CR+PR)68%(51/75);化疗后少数病人出现骨髓抑制及胃肠道等副反应,经一般处理均可缓解。本方案的优点是毒性低,有效率高,缓解期长,可做为常规的治疗方案应用。在此方案的基础上,配合胸腔,心包腔的排液和腔内注药,及骨、脑转移病灶的放疗,对于有体腔积液或远处转移的患者,也可收到一定的疗效。


    Abstract: From 1986 to 1991, the Chemotherapy Department of our hospital applied CE (A) F scheme to cure breast cancer in later period, breast cancer of relapse in part and transfered breast cancer. In this essay. 75 eases of the curative effect of the scheme are introduced. All the cases are women. The average age is 48. The curative effect evaluated according to WHO standard. The effective rate after the medicine is given is (CR+PR) 68% (51+75). The minority of the patients show bone marrow inhibition and side effect of gastrointestinal tract and etc. All this can be remission through general treatment. The advantage of the scheme is lower virulence, better effect, the time span of remission is long. The scheme can be usesd as routine treatment scheme. Based on the scheme, combined with thoracocentensis and pericardicentensia + injection in body cavity and radiotherapy to the nidus transfered to bone and brain, this scheme has the better curative effect. It is also effective to the psxieuts who have cuelomic fluid and have cancer transfered widely.


