A analysis of polyps canceration in 53 patients with polyps of large intestine
摘要: 本组大肠息肉548例,815枚,53例(枚)癌变,癌变率9.7%.以乳头状腺癌、混合腺瘤癌变率较高,二者间无差异(P>0.05),管状腺瘤较低,与前二者差异明显(P<0.01),且发现1例炎性息肉癌变.直径>2.ocm,息肉癌变率明显高于2.0cm以下者(P<0.01)。广基息肉癌变率高于带蒂者(0.05>P>0.01)。癌变息肉表面色泽均有改变.在儿童期未检出癌变息肉;中年期息肉癌变率高于青年期(P<0.05),而与老年期无差异(P>0.05)。各大肠段息肉癌变率无差异(P>0.05).内镜检查并取材活检明显提高了息肉及其癌变的检出率,内镜下治疗息肉可降低大肠癌的发病率。Abstract: 548 cases with 815 large intestinal polyps were analysed. The results were as follow: Polyps canceration was found in 53 cases (9.7%). Among which the canceration rate was significantly higher in vinous and mixed polyps than in tubular polyps (P<0.01), and no differentiation was found between former two types of polyps (P>0.05). There was canceration with inflamed polyps. The canceration rate of polyps with larger than 2cm in diameter was higher than those with smaller than 2cm in diameter (P<0.0l). The canceration rate of the polyps with wide fundus were higher than those with pedide (P<0.05). The colour of surface with the canceration polyps was changen. No canceration of polyps was found in children. The canceration rate of polyps in the middle-aged was higher than in the young (P<0.05), and was as same as in the old (P>O.05). The canceration rate of polyps in different segment of large intestine was similiar (P>0.05). Endoscopy and biopsy advanced markedly the diagnostic rate of polyps and their canceration. Endoscopic treatment may decrease the canceration of polys.