

Whether does Oral Calcium Supplementation Treat Esophageal Precancerous Lesion——A Randomized Double Blind Intervention Trial

  • 摘要: 本文对食管癌高发区辉县居民的癌前疾患进行了随机双盲钙干预治疗研究。服药一年后,不论是钙剂(服碳酸钙)治疗组,还是对照组,食管上皮基底细胞增生及炎症状况均有改善,包括内镜、组织学及放射自显影三项指标,两组统计学上未见区别(P>0.05),治疗后的血钙水平两组亦无差异(P>0.05)。由此可见,口服补钙不能对食管癌起到预防作用,对食管癌癌前疾患治疗无效。


    Abstract: A randomized double blind intervention treating esophageal precancerous lesions with calcium was carried out in the populations of Huixian County Henen province,a high risk area for esopgaheal cancer. After one year, whether the calcium supplemetation group or the placebo group,the basal cell hyperplasia and esophagitis were improved,including endoscopy,histology and H-TdR radiography. It appeared not variance statisticaly between the calcium group and the placebo group (P>0.05). The blood calcium levels of subjects in the calcium and the placebo groups after intervention trial were not variance (P>0.05). Therefure, it is uncertain whether oral calcium supplementation protect from esophageal cancer.


