

Carcinold In The Periphery Lung---An analysis of 8 cases

  • 摘要: 肺周围型类癌,临床表现为局限性病变,易误诊为瘤样病变,常为手术切除后病理确诊。病理切片见癌细胞排列呈巢状,为含丰富血管的结缔组织所分隔,嗜银染色可见胞浆内嗜银颗粒,AB/PAS染色:见部分透明型瘤细胞呈粘液阳性反应,系粘液变性的瘤细胞。Keratin.Vimetin及CEA单克隆抗体标记阴性;S-100显示阳性颗粒,扫描电镜可见部分瘤细胞表面有分泌泡(即神经分泌型颗粒)。周围型类癌预后好,本组8例手术后6例1-5年未见复发,豆例10年未见复发,仅1例5年内复发2次,说明本病早期手术切除预后好,其生物学行为是低度恶性的。


    Abstract: cases of carcinoid in the peripbny lung were reported. Clinically,carcinoid was usually misdiagnosed as tumor-like lesions. The correct diagnosis was dependent upon histopathology after surgery. Histopathologically, the tumor cells were distributed as nest-like,separated by connective tissues where had plentiful blood vessels. Ag granules could be seen in the cytoplasm by Ag stain.Some clear cells showed mucus positive by AB/PAS stain. In immunohistochemistry, S100 ex pressed positive but keratin, vimentin,and CEA negative. Neuro-secretive granules could be found by scan electronic microscope. In prognosis, 6 cases did not recur in 1 to 5 years. One patient survived over 10 years, another patient recured two times in 5 years. We suggested that carcinoid in the periphery lung is a low-grade malignant .tumor, and a favourable prognosis can be obtained if early operations could be undertook.


