In this study, Short-Latency Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SLSEPs) of 158 cases with intracranial tumors were determined, including gliomas, meninglomas, metastatic tumors,neurilemmoas and so on. of 158 cases, 116 were superior-teutorial tumors, 42 were subtentorial tumors, and 138 were verified by pathological examinations after operation. The results showed that the total abnormal rate of SLSEPs of superior-teutorial tumors was 81.0%, especially in frontal-parietal tumors and the deep site of the hemisphere. The total abnormal rate of SLSEPs of subtentorial tumors was 90.5%, that was higher than that of superior-teutonal tumors. It was also observed that the abnormal rates of SLSEPs of intracranial malignant tumors were higher than that of the benigns. The result of the study suggegts that the determination of SLSEPs has significant value in diagnosis of defining site and quality .of intracranial tumors.