

Observation of characteristics of spontaneous metastasis or a transplantable murine reticulum cell Sarcoma L in inbred 615 mice

  • 摘要: 本实验将小鼠可移植性网织细胞肉瘤L接种子近交系615小鼠体内进行自发转移特性的观察。实验分为两组,A组将定量(1×107)的L瘤细胞接种于小鼠右后肢肌肉内,B组将等量的瘤细胞接种于小鼠右肋部皮下,待荷瘤小鼠自然死亡或濒死状态时处死,取出全肺及各部位淋巴结进行组织学检查。结果发现24只右后肢肌肉接种的动物,中间存活时间为28天,全部实验动物均发生淋巴结和肺转移;23只右肋皮下接种的动物,中间存活时间为39天,有95.7%(22/23只)发生淋巴结转移,60.9%(14/23只)出现肺转移,而淋巴结合并肺转移者56.5%(13/23只)。结果表明,本瘤株具有淋巴结合并肺部双向转移的特性。


    Abstract: For establishment of a better metastatic model of tumor cells we have established a Spontaneous metastatic model of maine reticular cell sarcoma L in inbred 615-strain mice. Tumor cells were inocubated into intramuscle of right hind tight and subcutaneous of right costal region as to observe metastatic characteristics in mice. The experimental animals were killed at moribound condition. The lung and lymph nodes were examined by naked eye and histology. It was found that all 24 animals of intramuscul inoculation had spontaneous lymphatic and lung metastasis simutaneously. In 23 animals of subcutaneous inoculation, 95.7% spontaneous lytnpbatic metastasis, 60.9% spontaneous lung metastasis and 56.5% simutaneous lymphatic and lung metastases were occured. The results of this experiment showed that this model possesses the nature of both directional metastasis to lymphnodes and lung.


