

The experimental research on antitumor immune response of tumor-bearing mice by S-180 tumor cells and BCG vaccines

  • 摘要: 本文观察荷瘤小鼠(接种1×105S-180瘤细胞)用异体同基因S-180瘤苗联用BCG治疗的主动免疫试验的效应。结果表明,90%(18/20)实验鼠产生迟发型皮肤赵敏反应,与对照组或单一治疗组(BCG组、瘤苗组)相比,其生存期明显延长(P<0.05)和转移瘤肺结节数显著下降(P<0.01)。DCH反应持久的四只小鼠显示了强的抗癌免疫反应。结果证实,采用Hanna免疫方案可以提高接种1×105瘤细胞的荷瘤鼠抗病免疫反应,并可借DCH皮试反应监测其ASI疗效。


    Abstract: The Active Specifie Immunotherapy of BaIb/c mice which bearing 1 × 105 Sarcoma 180 cells after treatment with irration syngeneic tumor cells and BCG vaccines was studied. The rasults show that the Active Specific Immunotherapy rignificantly lncreased the delayed-type cutaneous hypersensitivity (DCH) responses to syngeneic tumor cells and BCG in 18 of 20 mice (90%). Compared with control group or alone treatment group (syngeneic tumor cells or BCG), the survival period of tumor-bearing mice which combined treatment lasted significanting (P<0.05). Four mice among these treated mice have sutwved for 34, 38, 59, 66 days respectively, showing the significant antitumor response to the treatment. The treatment is also effective in inhibition of tumor's dissmination to lung. The studies demonstrate that the Immune method established by Hanna may enhanced antitumor immune response of tumor-bearing mice (1 × 105). The goal was to determine whether tumorbearing mice treated with vaccines made of syngenteic tumor cells combined with BCG as adjuvant would have an increased reaction to syngeneic tumor cells as measured by DCH responses.


