

Pigmented Villonodulon Synovitis (Giant-Cell Tumor of the Tendon Sheath and Synovial Membrane)——A Review of thirty Cases

  • 摘要: 色素性绒毛结节性滑膜炎是发生于滑膜或腱鞘的较为少见的病,以滑膜增生,棕黄色绒毛结节突出及含铁血黄素沉着为特点,自1973-1984年治疗30例,男16例,女14例,年龄8~66岁,43%发生在指(趾),57%在关节,X线片表现,有骨关节炎者2例,骨内囊肿2例,骨和软骨破坏者3例,本病分腱鞘型和关节型两类,正确诊断,早期治疗至关重要.


    Abstract: Orthopedic Hospital, ZHENGZHOU HONAN ABSTRACT the Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis is a relatively Uncommon disease which involves the synovium and tendons,characterized by proliferation of the synovial Lining with formation of numerous yellowish brown villous and nodular projections with heavy Hemosidern deposition. From 1973-1984 there were 30 cases;Among them 16 were males and 14 fimales.the age ranged from 8~66,43% occurred in the fingers (toe) and 57% in the Joint. Radio graphic evidence of osteoarthritis (2 cases) and cyste formation ( 2 cases).With the bone and cartilage were involved (3 cases). Pigment Villonodulon Synovitis were clasaified in to Tendon sheath types and arthron types. Promt diagnosis and early Treatment are important.


