Discussion of death cause within 24 hours after resection of Lung and esophageal cancer -An analysis of 8 Cases
摘要: 我院自1977年4月至1992年7月共行肺癌、食管癌、贲门癌切除2018例(肺癌切除326例,食管,贲门癌切除1692例),手术后24小时内死亡8例,占上述全部切除病例的0.39%(8/2018)其中食管贲门癌6例占0.36%(6/1692),肺癌手术的2例,占0.6%(21/396).8例中男7例,女1例,年龄32岁~65岁,这些病例术前各项检查基本正常,8例中,除1例经尸体解剖明确为吻合口小动脉出血性休克死亡外,余7例均考虑为循环或呼吸衰竭所致,讨论其原因一为患者本身心肺功能储备力不足,大手术后多种因素发生了不可逆的变化,一为医护方面观察,抢救多因素失误,由于无尸体解剖,仅为临床推断,特报告供总结经验、吸取教训之用.Abstract: Abstract cases of resection of lung cancer and esophagealeardiac carcinoma (lung cancer 326,esophago-cardiac cancer 1692) have been performed in our hospital from April, 1977 to July, 1992.Eight patients died within 24 hours after operation, death rate accounts for 0. 39 Percent(8/2018) totally. Seven patients died of resection of esophago-cardiac carcinoma, death rate makes up 0. 41 percent(7/1692). One patient died of operation resection of lung cancer, death rate amounts to 0. 3 Percent(1 /326).The results of preoperative examination for these eight patients were found to be within normal range.One patient was found to die of hypovolumerie shock because of bleeding of arterioles in anastomosis after autopsy. The death cause of other patients was proposed as either eirculatory or respiratory failure or comdined railure. Due to lack of autopsy the death causes we conjectured clinically were as following: (1) Patients' cardiac and Pulmonary Patent capacity is very Poor, so these Patients cann't tolerate the operation.(2) Lack of strict observation and optimal management after operation The paper is presented to sum up our experience and draw a lesson from our work.