Quantity of area and form factor of AgNOR in gastric carcinoma and its precancerous: Correlations with DNA content
摘要: 本文应用计算机图象分析系统对10例肠化、30例不同程度异型增生的胃粘膜,10例正常胃粘膜和10例高分化腺癌细胞核内AgNOR蛋白的面积及其颗粒的形状进行了定量,并测定了其DNA含量,结果显示,随胃粘膜病变程度的加重,其核内AgNOR蛋白与DNA含量依次增加,而AgNOR颗粒的形状因子呈递减趋势.AgNOR蛋白面积/核和其颗粒的形状因子与DNA含量均有良好的线性相关关系,前者为正相关(r=0.99P<0.001),后者为负相关(r=-0.952P<0.001).我们认为,AgNOR面积及其颗粒的形状可以反映出胃粘膜的病变程度.可作为胃癌前病变诊断及病情监测的有用指标.Abstract: Abstract Silver-binding nucleolar organiser region(AgNOR) was studied by computer image anslysis system in 60 gastric biopsy and gastroectomy spcimens. These included normal 10, intestinal metaplasia 10, dysplasia 30 and cancer 10. The parameters are: the area per nucleus and the form factor of AgNOR. the DNA content was also studied by the same method. The results show that the AgNOR area per nucleus and the DNA content level increased steadily from normal gastric mucosa to intestinal metaplasia, mild dysplasia, moderate dysplasia, severe dysplasia and cancer, the highest score of the two parameters was found in gastric cancer and the lowest in normal gastric mucosa. The form factor of AgNOR nodes gradully decreased in the same route as the two parameters the largest form factor was in normal mucosa and intestinal metaplasia;the smallest was in the cancer group.A linear relationship was found between DNA content and each of the two AgNOR parameters. The measurement of silverstained NOR proteins can thus be used as a simple estmate of cell proliferative activity.