The Blocking Effects of Fruit of Rosa davurica Pall.(ROP) on the Formation of Dimethylnitrosamine(DMN) andProtection of liver in Rats
摘要: 刺玫果汁在大鼠胃内阻断二甲基亚硝胺(DMN)的合成,其阻断率为98.49%,与刺玫果汁同样量的抗坏血酸阻断率为9.04%,提示刺玫果汁中除抗坏血酸外还含有阻断DMN合成的活性成分.给亚硝酸钠和氨基比林的大鼠血清谷──丙氨酶(SGPT)和山梨醇脱氢酶(SDH)活力比正常组增高一倍,并引起肝细胞变性和坯死,在同样条件下,同时给刺玫果汁大鼠的SGPT和SDH活力保持正常水平肝细胞也没受损伤,而同时给同样量的抗坏血酸组大鼠SGPT和SDH活力比正常组增高一倍,并引起肝细胞变性和坏死.Abstract: The blocking of fruit of RDP on the formation of DMN in rats, fruit juice of RDP gave 98. 49% blocking effect, whereas ascorbic acid(Vc) solution of the same concentration as in the fruit juice of RDP gave 20. 66y% blocking effect. The better blocking effect of the juice suggested that there might be some of other blocking substances besides Vc in fruit of RDP. fruit of RDP antagonized hepatotoxity of DMN by blocking formation of DMN.