

Surgical treatment of acutee intestinal obstractiox were caureel by carcinoma of the colon

  • 摘要: 结肠癌是引起肠梗阻常见病因之一, 其治疗方法至今尚有分岐, 为了总结和积累结肠癌致肠梗阻的治疗, 本文着重叙述我们的围手术期处理:术前准备, 术式选择, 术中化学药物的应用及吻合口瘘的防治。


    Abstract: Carcinoma of the colon may be cause of intestinal obstruction, the methods of treatment areinconsistent now. In order to summerize and accumulate the clinical experience for a better treatment of obstruction caused by carcinoma of the colon, I briefly introduced our perioperativemangement about it, such as: preoperative preparation, the surgical methods of choice, adjuvantchemotherapy during operation and the prevention and cure of anastomotic fistula.


