

The Observation of Therapeuting Efficacy on The tumour less 5cm of carcinoma of Esophagus Treated by Radiotherapy

  • 摘要: 本文对235例病灶小于5cm食管癌的治疗进行了回顾性分析。 49例行单纯放疗, 39例行单纯手术治疗, 47例行综合治疗(术后预防性放疗), 全组随访率为99.1%(233/235), 1、3、5年存活率为65.5%(154/235);37.8%(89/235), 27.2%(64/235)。 单纯放疗组为60.4%(90/149), 28.2%(42/149), 18.8%(28/149)。 单纯手术组为71.8%(28/39), 35.9%(14/39), 25.6%(10/39), 综合治疗组为76.6%(36/47), 70.2%(33/47), 55.3%(26/47)。 结果表明, 综合治疗食管癌能提高存活率。


    Abstract: This Paper analyse the 235 patients with the tumour less 5cm of earcinoma of Egophagus.There are 149 patients treated by riadiotherapy alone, 39 by operation alone, 47 by combine therapy (prophylactic radiotherapy after operating), The 5-year follow-up rate was 99.1%, The overall 1, 3, 5 year survival rates was 65.5%, 37.8%, 27.2%. The 1, 3, 5 year survival rates of radiotherapy alone was 60.4%, 28.2%, 18.8%. OF operation alone was 71.8%, 35.9%, 25.6%, combine therapy was 76%, 70.2%, 55.3%. The result indicate that the Combine therapy can raise the survival rate of the carcinoma of esophagus


