

Clinical analysis on 48 cases of pulmonary carcinoma with cavity formation

  • 摘要: 本文采用纤维支气管镜刷检细胞学、活检病理学和/或支气管肺活检(TBLB)确诊肺癌性空洞48例,其中鳞癌34例(70.8%)、腺癌11例(22.9%), 未分化小细胞癌3例(6.3%)。 肺癌性空洞多见于鳞癌和年龄偏大的患者。 本文侧重于该病与肺内其他空洞性病变症状、X线方面的鉴别, 也对肺癌性空洞的形成机理提出了较新的见解。


    Abstract: Abstract In this paper,data about 48 cases of pulmonary carcinoma with cavity formatien were analysis,in which 34 (70.8% ) were squamous carcinoma, 11 (22.9% ) were adenocarcinoma and 3 (6.3%)were undifferentiated small cell carcinoma. The cases were all diagnosed during fiberbronchoscopicexamination with cytologic and for pathologic evidence either through biopsy apd brush biopsy oreven bronchopulmonazy biopsy (TBLB). It is suggested that carcinomatous cavity appears morecommon among aged patients with squamons carcinoma. The significance of differential diagnosisbetween pulmonazy carcinoma with carity formation and other kinds of pulmonazy carernou, diseare was emphasized. formation and development of pulmonazy carcinomatous cavity were analysisand new concept presented.


