The Clinicopathological characteristics of rectal mucoid adenocarcinoma in 201 cases mere analysed in this paper from 1976 to 1993 in one hospital. The results shoneed as follones: 1, No sighificant difference in sex the youth (30Y) was more than the old (60Y). 2, The location mainly was in below reflexion. 3The gross type mainly was Borr 3.4, The lymphy metaslasis and infilitraled the side occured easily and blood metastasis few. 5, Peritoneum implantation occured usually. 6, The recurrent type were local or lymph nodes. 7, The surriual ratas was poor. Accoreling with these features as described, we suggested that extendedly resected operation should be performed and complex done so as to improve survival rates.