Discussion of diagnosis and treatment of hemangioma of the intestinal tract
摘要: 本文报告14例经病理证实的肠道血管瘤, 其中海绵状血管瘤10例, 毛细血管瘤2例, 混合性血管瘤2例, 作者认为:钡剂双重对比造影及选择性血管造影对确定诊断有重要价值, 正确的手术方法可以治愈本病。Abstract: 14 histopathological verified cases of hemangioma of the intestinal tract were reported. There were 9 males and 5 females with an average age of 44 years. The were 10 patients with cavernous hemangioma, 2 capillary hemangioma and 2 mixed capillary and cavernous hemangioma. The author is of the opinion that angiograma and barium X-ray examination is helpful in determining diagnosis, The correct operative procedure is very important.